Business Intelligence Consulting Company
See how you can use Business Intelligence in your business development
Business Intelligence (BI) refers to technologies, systems, applications and practices for the collection, integration, analysis and presentation of business information to substantiate fact-based intelligent business decision making for the purpose of guiding individual, teams, departments, management, organizations and/or markets. Effective Business Intelligence (BI) systems should:
Provide historical, current and predicted analytical information regarding business operations derived from data collected into a data warehouse or a data mart or occasionally generated from live operational data.
Support multiple reporting formats, dash boarding, interactive "slice and dice" analytical capabilities, visualization and ad hoc data mining.
Integrate collected data to support one or more of the following strategies:
Operational Process Management
Proactive Intelligence
Historical Analysis
QSI has the requisite experience and expertise to create, implement, maintain and support effective internal and/or external BI solutions in many or all of the following:
User Query and Reporting​
Balanced Score-carding
Performance Measurment
Competitive Analysis